Mahi Tahi is a creative agency passionate about weaving kaupapa Māori and contemporary culture to create a whāriki (tapestry) of meaningful and impactful story.
Te ao Māori is deeply ingrained in our vision, our values and ways of working and it transfers seamlessly across the work we produce.
Our focus is to inform and inspire Aotearoa connecting communities, people and iwi.
Mahi Tahi is a Māori owned and operated creative agency that also has an in-house production team. The advantage this gives our clients is the level of care we carry across projects starting with strategy, through to creative development and delivering out to the market.
Our advertising mahi (work) extends across marketing, digital and social media, and our production mahi produces premium television shows and content that has been created for new and emerging platforms.
We are committed to bringing a Māori voice and presence to the advertising world.
Our diverse team at Mahi Tahi is a reflection of the partnership outlined in Te Tiriti o Waitangi between Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti.