Te Ahu o te Reo Māori
Te Ahu o te Reo Māori is an awareness campaign to grow te reo amongst the education workforce across Aotearoa.
Mahi Tahi was engaged by Te Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga (Ministry of Education) to support ‘Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori’ a newly established programme which aims to grow and strengthen an education workforce that can integrate te reo Māori into the learning of all ākonga in Aotearoa.
The challenge presented to Mahi Tahi was to reach members of the education workforce, raise awareness, increase participation, create excitement and drive registrations for the programme and its 14 regional providers across the country.
The solution was a campaign centred on a 30” TVC focussed on nurturing the commitment of teachers and providing inspiration to develop their knowledge and capability in te reo and tikanga Māori.